2000 South Central Ave, Marshfield, WI 54449

Phone: (715) 387-1195 Toll Free: (866) 646-4228
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Simplify your life with PowerPay®

Our Automatic Bill Payment Plan

What is PowerPay®?

With PowerPay® your utility payment will be automatically deducted from your checking or savings account each month and automatically applied to your utility account. There is no charge for this service.

Why join PowerPay®?

  • Easier to make payments
  • Saves money on postage, late charges, and cost of checks
  • Convenient - no last minute trips to drop off payment.

How does PowerPay® work?

You will receive your monthly bill as you do now. Just review the bill. If it is okay, record the dollar amount in your check register and your payment will be deducted on the due date. If you have a question, call Customer Service at (715) 387-1195.

How do I sign up?

Complete the questions to the right and you will receive an email confirmation that your account has been updated.

What if I move?

If you move to another address that we service, your PowerPay® plan will move with you.

What if I want to cancel?

Simply call Customer Service at (715) 387-1195 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

What if I want to use a debit/credit card?

Click the "PowerPay® Agreement CREDIT/DEBIT" button below, to view and print our PDF application form. Once printed, complete the entire application form.

PowerPay® Agreement CREDIT/DEBIT

Return completed forms to:

Marshfield Utilities
2000 S Central Ave
Marshfield, WI 54449

Or use the Drop Box at our main office

Marshfield Utilities – PowerPay® Agreement

Fields with ( ) are required. If using a keyboard, press the Tab key to advance through each field.

A confirmation email will be sent to this address.
500 character(s) remaining
Go Paperless GO GREEN!

By selecting the GO GREEN option you are enrolled in our Integrated Messaging program. You are going paperless. You will receive an email link to your billing statement and various notifications and announcements. THANK YOU! You may simply remove the checkmark to receive traditional mailings instead.
  YES, I want to GO GREEN!

I authorize Marshfield Utilities (MU) to instruct my financial institution to deduct my payments from my account at the institution named above. This authorization will remain in effect until I terminate it, allowing reasonable time for MU and my financial institution to act or I request a final billing for a closed account. I have the right to stop payment on an entry by timely notification to my financial institution. MU also has the right to cancel this agreement for insufficient payments to my account.

  I have read and agree to the terms & conditions above.


Use this guide

To help you find needed information from your check.

If you are unable to complete with accuracy, do not submit, but call our office to have an application mailed to you.

When you receive your first statement after submitting this application, look for the word POWERPAY to appear on the payment stub. Until the statement says POWERPAY, continue to make payments on the account.

Customers not wishing to complete the online application, may print the PDF version and fax, email, mail or bring to Marshfield Utilities office. Please remember processing will be delayed. Marshfield Utilities must have one business day to process a completed application, but only after it is received.

Download PDF Version